A Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Combating Violent Extremism Between the Prime Minister’s Office, the US Embassy in Pristina and the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) was signed on Wednesday.
The agreement was signed by the Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, the US Ambassador in Kosovo, Greg Delawie and development coordinator and permanent representative of UNDP, Andrew Russell.
This Memorandum of Understanding provides a general framework of cooperation between the OPM, the US Embassy and UNDP to implement a project to carry out a basic assessment of foreign fighters coming or that are related to Kosovo.
The aim of the project is to produce a comprehensive assessment that can be used for policy drafting based on evidence for the prevention of violent radicalization in prisons and in the community, to inform the activities for de-radicalisation and reintegration, and to provide strategic direction for the Strategy of Kosovo for Combating violent Extremism and its Action Plan.