What is the relation between innovation, training, smart cities, health, big data, mobile payments and finance and Cloud Technologies
"Technology is a tool and instrument for а successful business decisions, not the decision itself. Only trained managers could benefit from it, "says Plamen Rusev, serial entrepreneur, investor in technology companies and founder of Global Webit Series.
That is the mission of the seventh edition of the annual forum for technology, innovation and investment, part of Global Webit Series – CEEDS’15 in Sofia, which will take place on 21st and 22nd of April (http://webit.bg/) to prepare the top and middle management with knowledge and experience to change the environment in the CEE region.
"The topics and discussions within the event in Sofia would be beneficial for any manager – chief executives, directors information, innovation, security, marketing and sales.
In the new realities of the business environment a successful business has to be done with innovation, protection of the security of corporate and personal information, working with large data integration process and digital control systems, loyalty, sales, mobile technology, cloud marketing services, finance, and other analyzes. Ignorance of all the mentioned specifics of the business today make each manager not prepared for the digital transformation of the business. There is no other event in the region, which gives so many answers and prepare professionals for upcoming changes at all levels of business. In order one business to survive in the next five years it must now lay the foundations for the digital transformation "added Mr. Rusev.
For the level of the event and the business platform CEEDS’15 by Webit speak not only its seven year history, the fact that Webit has grown and already is held in 4 continents, but most importantly that among the leading 100 + speakers in Sofia will be the man that carried out the world’s first successful digital transformation of an entire country – former prime minister of Estonia and current Vice President of the European Commission for the Digital Single Market – Mr. Andrus Ansip, under whose management is now the future of Europe as a Single Market.
There is no other technological and digital forum anywhere in the region, and even less in Bulgaria, that meet speakers at such a high level (and not just regional vendors of companies with big names). The speakers list includes Global/ Vice President Innovation and IoT at coast- European software giant – SAP, Cisco’s Managing Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Vice President for Europe, Middle East and Africa of Intel, the President and the Executive Director of the World Association for Consumer Electronics (organizer of the most influential and the greatest event in the world of art with hundreds of thousands of visitors CES in America), President of BitTorrent – which protocols 1/3 of the world’s Internet traffic, top leaders from Google, Microsoft, ARM, Experian, F-Secure, CEO FiBank, regional director of MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club. Among the speakers are the founders of the companies that change industries, education, health, finances in a way that AirBnB and Uber changed travel and tourism.
If you want to see the future of your industry and the opportunities for successful business in the next five years, CEEDS’15 is the place where your team can spent two days listening to presentations, participate in discussions and personal meetings with technological and digital leaders and consultants from Europe and- all over the world.
Today is the last day that you can take advantage of the special prices for tickets with 30% discount.
You can buy your ticket and read more about the event at: http://webit.bg/ (additional discounts for more than 3 tickets for one company – places are limited).
Global Webit Series
Global Webit Series (www.webitcongress.com) are founded by Plamen Russev, a Bulgarian serial entrepreneur and investor. Together with his wife Aniela Russeva and their international team for only 5 years they’ve managed to establish Webit events among the most prestiges and influential events for the digital economy for the Markets of EMEA and Asia. Webit events are known as one of the best places for high level networking for tech, digital, marketing, advertising and media experts.
Webit Ambassadors Foundation is helping entrepreneurs from all over the world as providing them with marketing support, mentoring. The foundation is giving the opportunity to young and innovative companies to connect with investors, media and enterprises.
In 2014 more then 1600 startups applied for Webit Ambassadors Foundation grant and 180 of them were the selected.
The first Webit event took place in October 2009 in Sofia. Today Global Webit Series includes events in Istanbul, Turkey, Dubai, UAE, Sofia, Bulgaria and upcoming events for China and India.
More then 400 of the top professionals from the tech, digital, media, advertising industries are among Webit Speakers each year. 15’000 is the number of attendees at Webit events and this number is growing. For the past 6 years Webit events have been visited by more then 40’000 attendees from 110 countries.
Webit events are the leading events at the markets that they cover Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and part of Asia.